Regardless of what kind of special event you are trying to host, you know that you want to make sure everyone has a great time while you are also able to watch your budget. There is no reason to have to spend a ton of money in order to make guests feel happy at a special event. There are several tips you can use to help put on an amazing special event, be it a fundraiser, conference meeting, family event, or other fun event like a birthday or wedding.
1. Always plan ahead
One of the best ways to make a party run smoothly is to be sure all the details are taken care of way ahead of time so that there is no last-minute planning. Last-minute planning is part of what makes the event so much more stressful than it needs to be. Try and take care of as many details are possible weeks and at the very minimum, days before, so that on the actual day of the event you can just focus on having a good time and helping guests.
2. Choose buffet style food
For the most part, it’s much better for guests to be able to choose what they want to eat, get how much they want, and be able to go to and fro the buffet table with ease. Buffet-style dinners allow for guests to eat when they want, what they want, and overall have more freedom to enjoy what they want to.
3. Pick a great theme
The best special events have a very clear theme, and choosing a theme also makes it easier for you to plan around it. Having a theme makes decor and invitations easier, and you can even have guests dress up depending on the theme! Having a spaghetti night as a fundraiser? Try going with Italian-themed decor and music. If you want to host a birthday party and have a cute theme, you can do a summer pool party with a mermaid theme and have everything match. This means blue cupcakes and Kool-Aid, small bags of Swedish fish, and a cool fish-shaped pinata!
Planning an event can be very stressful, but with the right planning you could have a great time. The best part? You don’t need to break the bank!
Do you have any more tips to share for making special event planning easier? Share it with us in the comments below!