Halloween has become more than just a holiday for children to dress up and get candy. In recent years, adults have been getting more and more into it and dressing up later in life. Almost 180 million Americans were estimated to celebrate Halloween in 2017, with seven out of 10 people planning to give out candy. We spend a little over $9 billion on Halloween every year in the United States, and costumes can vary from the usual (witches, ghosts, superheroes, princesses, etc.,) to the creative (zombie prom queen costumes, soul reaper costumes, etc.,) to ones taking inspiration from pop culture references that have happened over the course of the year. Older Halloween enthusiasts may even claim that the costumes are the main draw — other than the discount Halloween candy in stores after the holiday, of course!
What’s the History of Halloween?
Halloween originates from Samhain, which was an ancient pagan festival that the Celts celebrated over 2,000 years ago. In the 1800s, Halloween came to the United States, thanks to immigrants from Ireland and Scotland, and the time-honored phrase, “trick or treat” came into use for the first time in 1927 in the United States.
Halloween is also known as All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day, which was designated by Pope Gregory III as a way to honor all the saints. All Saints Day blended some of the Samhain traditions to make Catholicism more appealing to non-believers.
Today, it’s more of a secular holiday and indeed, some religious communities refuse to celebrate, citing it as the devil’s holiday or glorifying wicked tendencies. However, the tradition of dressing up and giving out (or receiving) candy has become a fun trend in our society.
Where Can I Find Unusual Costumes Like a Zombie Prom Queen Costume?
Many people choose to purchase costumes instead of making them — it’s often less hassle, with a good result. For unusual costumes like a zombie prom queen costume or a space cadet costume, it might be the easiest way, while 1950s Halloween costumes or flower power costumes are easier to replicate at home. However, there is something to be said for digging through attics or basements for inspiration — you’d be surprised to see what’s hidden away!
If you’re lucky enough to have a brick-and-mortar Halloween store in your town, you should obviously check there first. They may even sell make-up, decorations, and other accessories so you can really get decked out in style, plus you’re supporting a local business in your area. Salespeople may also be able to help you flesh out your vision or offer suggestions if you need some on-the-spot costume consultation.
However, for many people, browsing online Halloween stores is the way to go. Online stores often have more inventory and a wider range of sizes (which means if you’re looking for a plus sized Halloween costume, online is often the way to go). Plus, online stores can have some truly wacky costume ideas — you may even find some inspiration by browsing online inventories.
Why Celebrate Halloween as an Adult?
Halloween is a holiday to let loose a little. Unless you work in theatre, when else do you get to dress up as someone or something else the rest of the year? From donning a zombie prom queen costume to a sexy cheerleader costume, you can be whomever (or whatever) you want. It’s also a great excuse to get together with friends.
If you have kids, it’s all about getting them in the spirit and join in the fun of giving out candy to kids who are experiencing Halloween for maybe the first time (or who look forward to it all year)! Plus, you can steal some of their hard-earned Halloween candy once they go to bed! Over 60% of parents say that they’ve taken some of their kids’ candy.
If you love Halloween, don’t hold back! Visit a Halloween store for costume ideas or to put together a truly spectacular Halloween costume this year. Remember: it’s never too early to start planning!