How do you dress when you are out of the office? When you are away from work do have a completely different style from the persona you present when you are on the clock? If you happen to be a Western enthusiast you may be able to work a western belt and boots into your office job part of the time, but you likely have to save your full blown Western style for the evenings and weekends. When you are able to dress exactly how you want do you have the complete wardrobe and accessories that you desire? Have you considered buying custom made western belts with hand engraved solid sterling and hand tooled leather? If so, you should find an established womens and mens western jewelry and accessories company that also offers the finest belts.
The designs and process for creating the highest quality Western wear models itself after the craftsmen and craftswomen of Central Mexico. Known as the heart and beginning for silversmithing in North America, this style started with the Native American peoples. It has evolved with the silversmithing techniques of the Spanish Conquistadores and Mexican Vaqueros. These Central Mexican techniques eventually made their way north into the U.S. Almost every silversmith in America today can eventually trace their craft and work style all the way back to central Mexico.
Custom made western belts make especially unique gifts for the men in your life. Beginning with a choice of the nearly 50 shades of brown available, you can also chose from outdoor themed personally designed buckles to reflect the specific interests of your special someone. Custom made western belts can cost between $30 and $175, depending on the quality of the leather and the detail of the design. A belt that is 92.5% pure silver is known as a solid sterling silver belt and these have become more common in men’s clothing this decade.
Custom belt designs, however, are not just for men. Women who have a taste for Western attire also enjoy custom made belt buckles as well as sterling silver neckware, bracelets and earrings. Gift items for women also include tooled leather jewelry boxes and uniquely designed pocket knives.
Whether you are dressing for a business interview, the office or a night on the town. high quality Western wear is often a great choice. Most sterling and leather items can be customized to meet very detailed specifications. Companies, groups, associations and individuals can create a truly unique, one-of-a-kind employee keepsake gift.