Throwing a party for special life events is expensive – from sweet sixteen to wedding to anniversary party – there is nothing worst than investing a large sum of money only to throw a less-than-hopping party. Even a backyard party with the best drinks or a wedding with the coolest DJ may not be complete without the right party rental equipment. Below are great party rental equipment ideas for the major milestones.
Bat and Bar Mitzvah
With each passing years, these rights of passage become more and more fancy. To step up your celebration, try a dance floor rental! Teenagers are apt to dance and this gives them a great chance to really feel grown-up during the celebration of their impending adulthood.
Sweet 16
Sweet 16s are popular amongst young girls in the United States and Canada and Quinceneras are a similar tradition that Mexican parents provide for their 15 year old daughters. Important birthday party rentals include chairs, tables and table cloths. While you may already own some of this, a rental makes things extra special for a day that is extra special. You can rent fancy chair covers or table clothes in your daughters favorite cover for a thoughtful touch.
The first big step to wedding planning is where to have the shindig. Hawaii is a great place for laid back weddings while New York is perhaps the most expensive place in the United States to get hitched. Whether you’ve chosen New York, Hawaii or your own back yard, party rental equipment can had the perfect panache. LED furniture is a great way to break up a space and designate a dancing, eating and cocktail area. Sailcloth tents are also a way to take your outdoor wedding up one notch. These tents have a very minimalist structure and appear to be floating in the air. They are durable, waterproof and truly provide for a unique experience.
Celebrations are meant to uplift and party rental equipment stores have just the supplies you need to spruce up your party!