The best way to do audiobooks is to go through an audio production service. These companies are professionals who can network with talented producers and narrators in order to record the best possible version of your audiobook. They do their work in audiobook recording studios and have access to all of the tools necessary to create a clean finished product. When you work with audiobook publishing companies, they’ll have access to services and networks that you would not be able to tap into on your own. While you can add audiobooks to audible by yourself, that is the tip of the iceberg with voiceover.
While working with a company is an investment, it is one that you should strongly consider. Using professionals on high-quality equipment will get you the best product possible. This will convince listeners that your books are worth buying, leading to higher sales in the future. So look into your budget and find a way to get your audiobooks and voiceover done by people who are experts in the field.
Decades ago the radio was the epitome of entertainment and information before it was replaced by the television and the internet. Although many are quick to claim that radio has degraded over the years, in truth there are over 13,500 radio stations active across the U.S. with 236 million listeners every week. In their everyday commutes, audio listeners do so for more than 2 1/2 hours per day, making it the second most powerful medium in the U.S. People are rethinking what radio can do for them, here are three ways to use radio and audio production voice over services to bolster up your own company.
The Sound of Silence
Telecommunication is one of the easiest ways to send information quickly to others, unfortunately most businesses are still trying to perfect the difficult art of answering the phone. The call center for a business may be limited by the amount of representatives on staff, thus an influx of customer calls can produce a wait time on the phone. Studies have shown that callers who get a dial tone or silence will hang up within a minute with 90% of callers hanging up after the first forty seconds. Similar studies have found that 85% of callers prefer on hold messages over silence. Don’t send the wrong message to your customer base, make sure they know that they are a priority on the phone to increase your customer service quality.
All About the Narrator
When you see a product or service that you are interested in, you would like to know more about it. Television has used professional and celebrity endorsements to sell products and services more effectively, however the real star of the commercial isn’t the product but the spokesperson. Audio advertising instead uses voiceover narrators to place the emphasis on the product rather than the actor. Up to 97% of the 74,000 people surveyed believe that voice over is a crucial element of marketing and radio presentation. Finding voice-over narrators might just be the best way to let the product or service sell itself in a commercial market that has been oversaturated by celebrities and product spokespeople.