Author: Photography

Photo Album Scrapbooking 101

Without a doubt, scrapbooking is a rare art to find these days. The past decade has brought about an explosion of social media and digital memory-keeping. However, the art of scrapbooking is truly a timeless and wonderful medium that will never go out of style. Whether you are scrapbooking photos…

Minecraft Hyperrealism in 4K

Hyperrealism has been an art form for decades, frequently utilized in popular artist drawings as a way to turn 2-dimensional mediums into 3-dimensional compositions. With the monumental growth of the video game industry, these two art forms were destined to intertwine on many, many fronts. While some strive to make…

Cool Photos You Can Take at Home

Photography is often one of the most popular pastimes. Whether people are looking to capture happy memories or just take some beautiful pictures, this can be a passion for anyone. Many photography enthusiasts will go all over, looking for their next beautiful sight to capture in the moment. Sometimes, however,…